
Celebrating the Recycling Event

Location: Defu Industrial Estate
Project Type: Individual Academic Work
Date: August - November 2021
Supervisor: Professor Thomas Kong

DEFULAND was conceived as a radical solution to a rapidly changing waste landscape. Moving towards a digital future the issue of e-waste and other integrated products continues to grow exponentially. These integrated systems require a change in infrastructure surrounding its recycling, a more dispersed smaller-scale operation. Paired with the need to adapt, a weak architecture that is an antithesis of this new waste, which is less composite, more enzymatic, traversable, and fluid. A completely new typology to recycling whom’s key agency is the general public. A non-sequential theme park that celebrates the recycling event as spectacle. Bring the new agency on a didactic journey through an amalgamation of bottom-up infrastructure through the tectonics of scaffold.

Following the footsteps of the recycling veterans, the public traverses the site as Karang Guni spurred on to spectate, participate and finally create. SPECTATE : to observe and marvel at, a cursory relationship. PARTCIPATE : to take part and journey with, palpable understanding. CREATE : the last act, the agent becomes the enterprise, achieving the recycling apex.